Friday, February 18, 2011

Resolutions are Made to be Broken

I am the type of person who likes to make lists or write down random thoughts purely so that I can find them a few months later when I am stressing out or bored, read them, and laugh at myself. Case in point, my list of New Years Resolutions for this year. I know myself, and I know that I am not good at New Years Resolutions, yet for some strange reason I always seem to make them if only to acknowledge the fact that there are things in my life that I would like to change, but probably wont, due to lack of will power or sheer love of sugar. This year I made a list:
  1. Stop eating so much chocolate, just because it is better in this country does not mean it is ok to over indulge (having a bar a day just makes you fat).
  2. Stop eating so many bisuctts, just because you buy a sleave does not mean they should all be eaten in one sitting (that again makes you fat).
  3. Eat more fruit (good snack to replace the chocolate and biscutts)
  4. Blog more.
Well as you have probably already realised that the last one failed miserably. I have been terrible about blogging this term, and for that I appoligise. I had nothing that interesting to write about. So sue me for not wanting to bore you.

The only one I have not failed so far is eating more fruit. My mom will be happy to hear that fruit consumption is at an all time high, especially if you consider orange juice a fruit. It is more than likely that in the past two weeks I have consumed a lifetime supply of vitamin C in my thus far successful attempt to avoid the plague that it seems everyone I know has come down with recently. If I could will myself healthy I would, but since I’m pretty sure that doesn’t work I’ve been eating tons and tons of fruit instead.

The problem with my fruit consumption is that even though it we have seen an increase, it has not effected a decrease in my consumption of chocolate and biscuitts. Instead there are three lovely new additions to my junk food repitoire: Haribo, Mini Eggs, and Cadbury Cream Eggs. Unfortunately, as I knew it would, my sweet tooth yet again beat out my will to be healthy, skinny, and not on a constant sugar high like a five year old. This year I will blame it on the fact that the junk I’m eating in this country will not be accessible after I leave in July. But I’m pretty sure next year I’ll find another excuse next year to justify my consumption of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with every meal in Kimball, excessive muffin consumption from Cool Beans, or the lovely cure to stress that is Twix.

I have now come to terms witht the fact that I have a sweet tooth that will probably make me obese in a few year. Maybe I’ll try giving up sweets for Lent in a month, and this will help me outgrow them. But I only have access to these novelties until July, so then again maybe I wont.

1 comment:

  1. go for it while you can, that's what i say

